Before it becomes issue, I was thinking of the electric F1, maybe for 3 years, except for size.
First time, I considered anime called 'cyber formula' compared to current F1. Initially, maybe 5 years ago, I concentrated on the variable aerodynamics, which is currently performed, but later on, I noticed that there is electric car which is competing to other gas cars.
Also, I wanted to drive F1 car, but as for most people, it is not possible, so I made an idea, combining with game, to make remote controllable small car, but not like just RC car but with simulator controller.
Then, we can think of electric small (maybe 1/3) remote control car with sensors & realistic performer controller (simulator). This is what I thought which is most realisable, getting sponsors of mobile phone companies, as the technologies inside this is the core of mobile electric devices. Wi-fi technology (to control car), battery technology, semiconductors, except for motors. Motor technology may be useful for other industry.
Also, this idea is of the name of this blog.