F1 2011 Calendar

Sunday 9 October 2011

Constructor's championship clinch: after Japanese GP

06Force India-Mercedes48

RBR leads by 130 points currently. After the Korean GP, as 3 GP left, 129 point-leading may determine the championship. RBR's championship requires the mission in the Korean GP to get more points than any other team, which has been easily accomplished by Vettel's wins.
PS. More precisely, if Red Bull does not get less points than McLaren, it's over.

Monday 3 October 2011

Constructor's Championship clinch

To clinch the constructor's championship, you have to proceed 43 points (25+18) per each left grands prix away from the second team. Look at the current championship standings.

6Force India-Mercedes48
(Other than RBR, only McLaren is in the hunt as the same as the Driver's championship)
Currently, there is 138 point margin on the top. It means that it should be 3 GPs to go if it is clinched, which is after the Korean GP. So, possibly we have 2 races to go, but who knows?

Let's do proper calculation. Vettel's expected point for each GP is 22 points, and 13 points for Webber. So totally Red Bull takes 35 points each GP in average. On the other hand, McLaren's expectation value is 25.2 points per GP this season. So, they have 10 points difference in pace, and it means that there will be 148 point difference between the two teams after the Japanese GP, which is still not enough to be clinched. We will still have to wait until the Korean GP finished.

If Red Bull wins one-two and McLaren takes less than 10 points in this GP, the Constructor's Championship is also over this weekend. Or, if McLaren takes 27.6 points more than Red Bull each GP, which is 13.8 points for each driver, McLaren will be still in the hunt in the end of this season. Red Bull will be recorded as the most point taking constructor in the history, with the new point system since 2010.

Friday 23 September 2011

Addition: possible to finish here

If Vettel wins Singapore, he may have 309 points. If Alonso is under 3rd and Button and Webber is under 2nd, it will be over. Hamilton is already out of hunt under the assumption.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

2011 Coming to be over

Monza circuit had a great success: Red Bull won extraordinarily and Fernando Alonso became to lead the Championship of '2nd'. Now, among the '2nd's, possibly the most point is 322: if Alonso wins in every race from now. So, if you want to win this championship, first you need to restrict the Vettel under 322, which is 38 points to go. If Vettel wins twice from now, or become 2nd twice and once within 9th, or in any way take 38 points, it's over. If you don't want to, stop Vettel at Singapore to win.

If you succeed to stop, it is relief but still breathtaking. If Alonso is 1st and Vettel is 2nd in Singapore, Vettel will be 20 points to go: worse case. The pace which Vettel meets the championship at the end of the season is to take about 6 points every race, which is 7th place, which is hard for Vettel. So, now you can understand why teams are better to prepare the next season.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Future of the Korean circuit

Today, I had a chance to play the Korean circuit in the F1 2010 within the famous rFactor. Among the user-made versions, there was a soso-made version of the Korean circuit, but none of these were comparable to the official one (F1 2010). Also, the official game is not enough to feel the circuit properly (precision of the simulation is not enough). As I play the circuit in the game, I could feel the circuit properly, and I realised that this circuit is really really difficult.

BBC said that the circuit is half Monza and half Monaco. It is quite right, but today I realised that some other's expression is more convincing: "like Hungaroring". The circuit will not be used almost other than the Grand Prix and is quite narrow so always with traffic problem. Compared to Monaco, Korea is much better. Monaco has more elevation difference so is more proper street circuit. Korea is about between so is really in the confusing area.

While some races are held in this place after the inaugural Grand Prix, the non-useness may still be problem in the future. Most race, including GP races may be he ld in the permanent track only, so the another part of the GP track (city circuit part) may remain unused until the next Grand Prix so may remain dirty.

And if the city is built properly as in the plan, the GP track may be the public road besides the Grand Prix. Well, I don't think the plan will be completed either.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Annoying Korean Circuit

Many people feel the Korean circuit is not so comfortable and so do I. Then, why is that?

Well, some part of it is elegant and beautiful. Turn 7&8 is great enough as other high speed turns, and left-hander of turn 11 and consequent, negative-cambered turn 12's relatively small radius make drivers unexpected, making many out-course. Turn 17 series ((14)&15&16&17&18) is also gorgeous part. Cars sweep in to turn 15 and sweep out to the main straight, using lots of tyre wear.

However, the boringness of this new circuit is because of its sequence. Sector 1 is high speed stretches and Sector 2 is high and low speed corners. Sector 3 is city circuit. It makes cars slower and slower until they return to the main straight. Also, turn 11, the main part of the sector 2 makes very very hard to overtake because of its 2-apex property, and sector 3 is city circuit so cars cannot pass each other so easily. So, this circuit allows overtake only on turn 1 and turn 3, even if the driver is very good, or pace is at 5-second difference, or whatever.

So, this is big problem, while the new DRS system is exactly for this problem. DRS system in this season makes cars able to pass at certain point. As this circuit itself makes teams to make strategy to earn time for other parts and maximally tries on the ideal spots for overtaking, DRS may be crucial in the 2011 Korea, and I think that the DRS area may be the longest ever in this season, just before the turn 3.

Monday 9 May 2011

Behind the Blue

You may disappoint on current Korean support for Grand Prix especially if you are Korean; even LG and some local people support for F1 but F1 is not well known in Korea and no Korean automobile maker support in any way.

However, you may be impressed if you know that some Korean people supported Grand Prix deeply far away back in head of 2000s. Alonso's Renault car from 2003 with some blue colour is very famous for its championship winning. The front of the helmet of Alonso has mark of 'hanjin' which is one of the biggest shipbuilding company in the world which is Korean. Hanjin continuously supported Renault during Alonso's shining seasons, making best efficience of ads. Also the painting of the car itself is designed by a Korean cartoonist, who later draw the episode which fans never believed until they saw the photo.

So Korea was in the front of the good seasons of F1 and the appearance of winning car, when most people of Korea is never ever interested in F1.

Saturday 7 May 2011

What a disappointing result for Michael

Remind the result of the practice sessions and the qualifying sessions. What a surprise for maybe the new car of Mercedes (Brawn). Summarising the practice sessions, in all sessions, Mercedes, particularly Michael showed impressive performance which tied up to Vettel; eventually the gap between them decreased inside a thousandth in the last session. However, also we saw, in the qualifying, the important other theorems of these Grand Prix seasons; Red Bull does not show everything until the race. As always, the Red Bulls did better than the practice while Michael was worse than the practice. What we have to focus on is rather Nico than Michael, also as always. He showed his own power, again, and definitely he will on the podium next day.

Also, one more thing we can expect in long term is certain; Red Bull wins this season also if the constant rival does not exist like today. McLaren was the most close to the Red Bull, which even seems to beat in one time, but today's session was disappointing for not only Ferrari as always but also McLaren. Unfortunately, the strength of Mercedes makes no rival to Red Bull, cancelling the most rivalry of McLaren.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Some backscenes of Yeongam

You may have seen many scenes of the atheletes so you might think that you are very know well about these people. But, don't you, some time, wonder how they live between session besides the career, which is not so private life so preventing attractions or so well-known? This is how they were during the week in Korea.
Oh, and, you can see the bike. I mean, THE bike, one of which may passed Button during the BBC broadcast. And, you may focus on the woman with green uniform, especially if you are Korean so you have seen the documentary film of KBS. These local women are volunteer for cleaning every place in the circuit even in the garage, who were fishing or gathering seefoods in THE AREA, as the area was seaside before the circuit was built. You may have seen the mountains in the shot of the racing. The mountains were islands, and the field was the mud flat.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Electric F1?

Before it becomes issue, I was thinking of the electric F1, maybe for 3 years, except for size.

First time, I considered anime called 'cyber formula' compared to current F1. Initially, maybe 5 years ago, I concentrated on the variable aerodynamics, which is currently performed, but later on, I noticed that there is electric car which is competing to other gas cars.

Also, I wanted to drive F1 car, but as for most people, it is not possible, so I made an idea, combining with game, to make remote controllable small car, but not like just RC car but with simulator controller.

Then, we can think of electric small (maybe 1/3) remote control car with sensors & realistic performer controller (simulator). This is what I thought which is most realisable, getting sponsors of mobile phone companies, as the technologies inside this is the core of mobile electric devices. Wi-fi technology (to control car), battery technology, semiconductors, except for motors. Motor technology may be useful for other industry.

Also, this idea is of the name of this blog.

Saturday 23 April 2011

What happened to the wings of Michael Schumacher?


In the last picture, you might see the wing with some dirty stuffs. By its colour of black and appearance, the dirt might be some carbonates, which is oil etc. Then, why is there such industrial dirt than sand or soil which is plenty around the course? We can think very few candidates possibly to be on the circuit. Oil from car, debris from the car body (carbon fabricate), and the part of tyres. In this season, we have seen the shortness of endurance of Pirelli tyres. At the backstraight of the China, we could see rolling little pieces of rubber which considered to be from tyres after and after from the series of cars. So, the debris taken out from the tyre is considered to have to be some 'pieces'. However, considering the basic mechanism of how tyre works, the surface of circuit is attached with melted rubber from tyres. Usually they stick on the surface so on the most of cars we cannot see such dirt. However, seeing the picture, we can see how Pirelli tyres are easy to melt, which is softer than Bridgestone.

Thursday 24 February 2011

F1 in Bahrain - Result

Finally, the F1 in Bahrain is cancelled. As the schedule is fixed, the people of Bahrain may be prayed for their liberty.
P.S. I think maybe the test schedule is also cancelled, more surely as more near.

Monday 21 February 2011

F1 in Bahrain

Currently, uprise in Bahrain protests for democracy where many people are killed; the movie clip taking the people killed by the government is currently categorised inappropriate by YouTube. This is very advancing event on earth for humankind, but we just take our sight on the other event.

From 3rd March, the F1 test is held in Bahrain and the first grandprix in this year is also held in Bahrain. Any big event in the controversial territory has been a problem, and considering the justice of the global democracy movement in this year, obviously the most importantly considered is the movement. However, if F1 is held as scheduled, what happens to the atheletes and the event itself?

Considering the tranquil people, rather than considering the risk to the atheletes, let us consider the event itself. Clearly the event is held by the authority and gives a power to the authority. Broadcasted its unjustness, could the authority still hold the event? I cannot sure anything at this moment but we may watch until next month.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

F1 calendar - Google Calendar

I'm making Google Calendar for F1 2011 schedule. Follow it!